
Having doubts? Go through our Sample Assignments below to check the quality of our work.

NURS 3021 - Professional Nurses as Change Agents

This course introduces students to the online learning environment and the professional role of the baccalaureate prepared nurse. Course content assists students in recognizing and reinforcing the role of nurses as well-equipped, ethical, empathetic, and well-informed leaders capable of effecting change at various levels. Students will be inspired to reflect on both the future of nursing and practice as change agents.f

NURS 3025 - Health Assessment

This course builds upon prior knowledge and skills of collecting patient data related to the assessment of individuals and population health status. Through innovative experiences, students apply concepts of health and physical assessments for patients across the lifespan. Areas of focus include social determinants of health and health equity. Students develop an integrated person-centered approach to health, including physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritually sensitive care.

NURS 3111 - Nursing Informatics and Healthcare Technology

This course explores the exciting world of nursing informatics, where nurses use data to inform decisions in nursing practice. Students examine technologies used to manage and improve the delivery of safe, high-quality, efficient healthcare which improves the health, safety and clinical outcomes for patients, communities, and populations. Focus areas include standards for privacy and security, tele-health systems, and future trends in healthcare technology

NURS 4151 - Nursing Research & Evidence-Based Practice

This course introduces the concepts of evidence-based practice and research principles in nursing. The foundational elements of the research process and understanding of ethical research principles are explored. The concepts are applied to demonstrate their impact on providing safe, quality, patient care in a variety of healthcare settings.

NURS 4106 - Patient Safety and Quality Improvement (5 credits)

This course will explore established and emerging principles of safety and quality improvement science. Students will gain a deeper understanding of how quality is measured, tracked, and improved in healthcare. The objective of this course is to empower the nursing professional to use knowledge and skills in the science of quality improvement and improve clinical outcomes for patients and their families.

NURS 3025 - Health Assessment (5 credits)

This course builds upon prior knowledge and skills of collecting patient data related to the assessment of individuals and population health status. Through innovative experiences, students apply concepts of health and physical assessments for patients across the lifespan. Areas of focus include social determinants of health and health equity. Students develop an integrated person-centered approach to health, including physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritually sensitive care.

NURS 4110 - Leadership and Health Policy (5 credits)

This course focuses on building professional nursing leadership skills with an emphasis on policy-related knowledge and skills to advance, inform, and implement equitable policies that ultimately protect the health, safety, and rights of patients. Students develop leadership skills to affect social change by advancing health policy and health equity.

NURS 4212 - Population Health Nursing (5 credits)

This course addresses the baccalaureate prepared nurse’s role in advancing population health. Students will focus on strategies to reduce health inequities, identify social determinants of health, improve health promotion, and disease prevention for culturally diverse, vulnerable populations; thereby improving the health of local, national, and global communities. Students consider the role of nursing in strengthening population health through effective collaboration across healthcare settings.

NURS 4300 - BSN Capstone (5 credits)

The Capstone course provides students an opportunity to apply previously learned knowledge and skills with their baccalaureate education in the identification and implementation of a scholarly nursing project. Students will complete 100 hours in a clinical practice setting and develop an evidence-based, patient-centered nursing project focused on a health care environment of their choosing. This course will culminate with a presentation of their project to peers and others in the practice and academic community.

NURS 3030 - Advocating for Diversity Equity and Inclusion in Healthcare (5 credits)

This course challenges students through self-awareness to understand the effects of bias, systemic racism, and microaggressions related to gender, race, intersectionality, and privilege. An understanding of how social injustice affects the healthcare ecosystem assists students to drive social change for inclusive and equitable healthcare. Students will learn advocacy strategies of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) to improve healthcare outcomes in a respectful interdisciplinary environment.

NURS 4300 - BSN Capstone (5 credits)

The Capstone course provides students an opportunity to apply previously learned knowledge and skills with their baccalaureate education in the identification and implementation of a scholarly nursing project. Students will complete 100 hours in a clinical practice setting and develop an evidence-based, patient-centered nursing project focused on a health care environment of their choosing. This course will culminate with a presentation of their project to peers and others in the practice and academic community.

Terry v. Ohio - Legal

In 1963 October 31, Detective Martin McFadden conducted a search on the person of John Terry, Katz, and Chilton Richard, after monitoring their suspicious behavior around a store.

Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendment Rights - Legal

A historic groundbreaking court case that was heard by the Supreme Court was Miranda v. Arizona.  This case is about a migrant, Ernesto Miranda, who was arrested at his house for kidnapping and rape.

Marbury vs. Madison - Legal

Marbury V. Madison is termed as the most significant event in the United States Supreme Court history.  The case established the grounds for judicial review in the United States using the provisions of Article III.

Misleading Graph Presentation - Quantitative Analysis For Business

Companies and businesses would use misleading graphs to get their points through that would favor their companies. Misleading graphs can have inconsistent units, missing legends, lacking reference, or gaps in data. These misleading graphs can create problems that might affect the users if not look at closely and correctly. The graph above is an example of inconsistent units that is misleading if look at a glance.

Data Collection - Computer Science

This research will highlight the findings from existing inquiries on police use of force. It will describe how the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the National Institute of Justice collects data on police contacts with members of the public that result in the use of force by law enforcement officers.

Technology Influencers in Law Enforcement - Criminal Justice

The effects of technology can be seen in almost every aspect of law enforcement.  Law enforcement has been altered by technology in many important ways.

Internal and External Stakeholders in Law Enforcement - Criminal Justice

From Officers to Administrators, law enforcement professionals never know what will transpire on a given day when they report to their establishment for work.  Perhaps more than any other area of Criminal Justice, law enforcement is contingent on external factors which influence a given industry.

Ballew v. Georgia - Legal

Ballew v. Georgia was a case that was tried by the Supreme Court in 1978.  In this case, Claude Davis Ballew, a manager of an adult theater showed a movie called “Behind the Green Door.”

Identifying the challenge in Law Enforcement - Criminal Justice

Law enforcement officers are empowered with the awesome responsibility and authority to maintain public order.  At the same time, officers have the unique opportunity to engage with citizens, identify and solve problems, and positively affect their communities on a daily basis.

Database Administrator for Department Store - Computer Science

This paper will talk about the meaning of the potential sales, and it can be measured by calculating the amount of the consumer sales. The potential sales have many advantages such as the evaluating the information performance.

Database Development - Computer Science

The Software Development Life Cycle SDLC has various methodologies which have many tasks that could be performed to improve the data sets qualities.

SQL Concepts and Database - Computer Science

The Database Life Cycle DBLC has many phases: Database initial study, Database design, Implementation and loading, Testing and evaluation, operation, and maintenance and evolution.

Tour Operator Agency Database - Computer Science

The database is the best way to store and retrieve the information of any organization. There are various applications, languages, and models to implement it. Also, there are many ways to increase the database performance, and one of these ways is the Normalization, which is reducing the duplication in the DB to be more efficient.

The Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy - International Problems

The term “doctrine” means “A statement of official government policy, especially in foreign affairs and military strategy” (“Doctrine”, n.d.). The phrase Presidential doctrine denotes an ideological platform that a president uses to advance a policy towards a country or region in order to accomplish foreign policy goals for the United States. Presidents like James Monroe, Harry S. Truman, Richard Nixon etc formulated their doctrines but among these presidential doctrines, the doctrine of President Reagan is noteworthy.

Database Modeling and Normalization - Computer Science

The Entity Relationship Model (ERD) is the model to represent the relationships among the entities.

The University Database - Computer Science

The University database must be built by the many entities: University, campus, school, student, faculty, degree, and professional studies. Every entity must have at least one attribute, and must have primary keys for more database integrity.

Database Systems and Database Models - Computer Science

Law Enforcement Challenges - Information Technology in Criminal Justice

Like any crime, digital crimes require proper evidence collection procedures during an investigation in order to ensure evidence is not tainted. Digital crimes like cyber-stalking have similar protocols with some differences.

Digital Crime Theories - Information Technology in Criminal Justice

When you find yourself a victim of digital crime, you may ask yourself what makes a person commit a digital crime? Naturally you would want to know what made them do this to you, and why you were targeted?

The Rules of Law Enforcement - Criminal Justice

Under the “Terry” rule, an officer who has a reasonable suspicion that a criminal activity may be “afoot,” they can stop and frisk a person for weapons so as to protect the officer’s safety.

Practicing Business Communications Tootsie Roll Industries

TRI (Tootsie Roll Industries) communicates its values to suppliers and employees by keeping the communication lines open between them and the company’s management team.

Images of Change: Wal-Mart and Target

Since Wal-Mart’s inception in 1962, the company has grown tremendously.  It has turned from being US No.1 retailer to the world’s No. 1 global retailer.  As of 2014, its revenue reached $476B, operating more than 6,100 retail units in 26 countries located in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa (Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 2015).

Nadel et al. v. Burger King Case

To prevail in a motion summary judgement, a party must establish that there is no genuine issue of material act to be litigated (FindLaw, 2014).  This requires the moving party to prove that the non-moving party cannot prove its case.

Ten Golden Rules of High Performance

The working environment in the government sector is more conservative and stagnant where creativity without approval is suppressed and suggestions/ideas are optional. Working for the government sector provides employees with clear procedures and guidelines for doing their job.

Wireless FSO

With the company having recently bought a new building that has an existing Local Area Network (LAN), this presentation aims to provide a recommendation on the best method for linking the LANs of the existing building and the new building.

The DISC Platinum Rule Behavioral Style Assessment

This report is based on DISC Platinum Rule TM Behavioral Style Assessment, there are 16 different DISC behavioral sub styles described, at first e graph is presented which include results of observers assessment.

Risk Management

A risk plan is a necessity for any operation in the traditional business environment; however it becomes even more significant for specialized projects.

Analyzing a National or Global Healthcare Policy - Healthcare

Medicare is a national social insurance system, controlled, practiced in the USA, and offered by the U.S. government since 1966, as of now utilizing around 30 private insurance organizations over the United States (Medicare Government, 2015).

Funding and Healthcare Policy Scholarly Articles - Healthcare

The first article is “The impact of funding changes on the implementation of primary health care policy.” The point of the article is to determine how new funding courses of action, presented in New Zealand’s 2001 Primary Health Care (PHC) Strategy, have affected on the extension of medical attendants’ part all in all practice.

International/Global Healthcare Policy - Healthcare

The Commonwealth Fund is a private U.S. establishment whose expressed intention is to advance a high performing health care framework that accomplishes better get to, enhanced quality, and more prominent proficiency, especially for societies most helpless and the elderly (The commonwealth Fund, 2015).

Charity Care Policy - Healthcare

Charity care, in the United States is relating the human administrations which suited free or at reduced costs to patients having low incomes. The rate of pros giving charity care dropped from 76% in 1996-97 to 68% in 2004-2005 (HGF, 2010).

Positive Aspects of Affordable Care Act - Healthcare

Affordable Care Act (ACA) for short and principally known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) 2010, is the new health care change law in America and is regularly called by its epithet ObamaCare (KFF, 2015).

Harnessing Information Management, the Data, and Infrastructure

Information and data management is defined by the Data Management Association (DAMA) as the improvement, execution, and supervision of arrangements, strategies, projects, and practices that control, ensure, convey, and upgrade the estimation of information and data resources.

The Four Functions of Management

Management is about changing people and we can alter people by helping them in progress their organization skills. Management is general and the principles of management are universal and common and are related to the particular organization.

Management and Leadership Paper

The survival and success of the organizations in todays over competitive world is dependent on how they gain a competitive edge over the others. A number of factors either internal or external are becoming the causes of the up headed success or a downfall of an organization, these factors include the globalization, diversification, information and technology explosion, too many alternatives present for the customers and too much customer awareness.

Internal & External Factors

There are four main functions of management that are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. These four main functions of management when applied properly can solve many problems and it may leads to firm’s success and competes better than the competitors.

Organizational Behavior Forces

The level of competition in the market is increasing day by day. The customers have more alternatives and substitutes for the products and services offered by various organizations.

Supply, Demand, and Price Elasticity Paper

Changes in supply and demand affect a society’s eminence.  As supply and demand changes, so does the price and quantities of goods.  These changes in price and quantity influence market equilibrium.  Factors that help adjust the market equilibrium are substitutions.

Economic Health Memo

Gross domestic product (GDP) in general has to be understood in order for us to understand the health of the economy. A business cycle describes changes in the demand-side of the economy as measured by GDP.

International Trade Simulation and Report

Import and export is the essence of our world economy. Most if not all the countries around the world export and import goods and services depending on there needs to do so governments exercise their findings with careful consideration, limitations and restrictions.

How People Make Economic Decisions

Marginal costs and benefits are important in economics. Determining marginal cost is important in deciding whether or not to adjust the rate of production, where marginal benefits is the benefit gained in changing the rate of production.

Sociological Research Methods

Everyone has occasional feelings of sadness, anxiety or feeling depressed. These feelings can sometimes come from situations such as the loss of a loved one, pain or rejection. For most people, these feelings are transitory and pass within a few days.

The Economy, Global Finance, and Inequality

Prior to 9/11, the slowdown in the U.S. economy already was being transmitted to other economies through trade and investment channels, particularly through a sharp decline in U.S. imports of high-technology components from Asian suppliers.

Ethics and Compliance Paper

Lowe’s incorporated is a well known and a big name where anyone can get quality hardware and home improvement materials at very suitable prices. Lowe’s have been fair in its workings and information since the time when it was established that is in 1921. It now has more than 1675 stores in the United States.

Organization Paper

Sikorsky Aircraft is the company which is providing the several models of rotary aircraft which are needed to fulfill the requirements of the commercial and military divisions within USA and globally. It was founded in 1925 by Igor Sikorsky who was born in Kiev.

Digital Computer Crime

According to the Computer Hope website, computer crime can be described as an act in which a person who is knowledgeable about computers, illegally views or steals information from a company or an individual, including private information, like your social security number or credit card numbers.

Ethnic Groups and Discrimination

Immigration, discrimination, and racism are just a few words that have become all too common in the vocabulary of today’s society. When I hear these words I automatically think about how such things impact me on a personal level, and I’m sure that many people have a similar reaction.

Prejudice and Discrimination Article

Ethnicity is defined as “social groups with a shared history, sense of identity, geography and cultural roots which may occur despite racial difference”

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Organizational Structure Presentation

When the employees are grouped hierarchically, managed through clear lines of authority, and reporting ultimately to one top person, this is known as Functional Organization structure.

Future of Modernization

The thought of adopting new ideas and converting to modern ways has often motivated societies to seek change and build on the foundation of their traditions. Many times while implementing changes traditions are lost; thus, industrialization and modernization sets in.

Management Planning Paper

The Altria Group Inc. is well known to be best in packaged goods. It has to offer a range of beer, tobacco and food products to the market. A large variety of very popular brands of variety of tobacco products and cigarettes such as Marlboro, Virginia Slims, Chesterfield, and Basic are manufactured by it.

The Effects of Punishment and Sentencing

Punishing criminals serves two ultimate purposes and those purposes are: “deserved infliction of suffering on evildoers” and “the prevention of crime” (Professor Herbert Packer, 2006 Criminal Justice in Action: The Core). There are four basic philosophical reasons for sentencing and they are retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation.

The Sociology of Race and Ethnicity

The Rules of Law Enforcement

Under the “Terry” rule, an officer who has a reasonable suspicion that a criminal activity may be “afoot,” they can stop and frisk a person for weapons so as to protect the officer’s safety.

Federal Reserve Paper

“This link between the price level and the value of money will turn out to be important to understanding how money affects the economy (Mankiw, 2007).”  The monetary systems intention is to put more money into the economy’s circulation to increase production and employment.

How Viral Marketing Can Improve a Company’s Sales

Viral marketing happens only when a company offers quality products.

Telenursing; Is It in My Future?

According to NCSBN (1997) tele-nursing is “the practice of nursing over a distance using telecommunication technology.” It is the process where patients and nurses interact through the use of telecommunication devices.

Differentiating Between Market Structures

Does money make the world go around?  Answering the questions of how and who makes the money move will tell us if money takes on this task.  The market structures that define our economies around the world are perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly.

Role of the United States Constitution Paper

“The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law of the land.” (Cheeseman, 2007, p. 9). No law, federal, state, or local may conflict with the United States Constitution; and therefore, any law found to conflict with the U.S. Constitution will be deemed unenforceable.

Procedural Steps of the Criminal Justice System

The criminal justice system is in place for three reasons; to prevent crimes, to gain control when a crime is committed and to provide justice. These are some of the factors that define each.

Legal System Identification, Comparison, and Analysis Memorandum

Al Jones may not have overseen the utility easement installation, which would make him only indirectly responsible. Utility easements are a part of real estate law, so the State courts could hear this case out; however, with the foreign citizenship of the defendant, it could end up in federal courts.


Grocery, Inc. and Masterpiece Construction signed a contract in regard to Masterpiece Construction completing a renovation within a six-month period. This renovation would take place at the largest Grocery, Inc. store in My Town on Main Street, and no mention of a sub-contractor, or any possibility of one inside the details of the contract.

Procedural Steps of the Criminal Justice System

The criminal justice system is in place for three reasons; to prevent crimes, to gain control when a crime is committed and to provide justice. These are some of the factors that define each.

Caledonia Products Integrative Problem

The main cause of conflict is the difference in the assumptions taken in both decision criteria i.e. NPV and IRR. In IRR the main assumption is that cash flows can be invested again at the internal rate of return in the whole life span of the project.

Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts paper

Organizational Behavior basically helps in better understanding that why a certain action was performed by a person or a group under certain situation.

GANTT and PERT Charts

Organization and its performance are very essential source in an effective project management. In project management planning is one of the major steps which enable the managers to forecast and make project schedule for managing projects with efficiency.

The Effects of Punishment and Sentencing

Punishing criminals serves two ultimate purposes and those purposes are: “deserved infliction of suffering on evildoers” and “the prevention of crime” (Professor Herbert Packer, 2006 Criminal Justice in Action: The Core). There are four basic philosophical reasons for sentencing and they are retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation.

Arizona Geological Wonders

Arizona is home to a beautiful desert landscape full of plants, animals and geological features you wont find anywhere else in the world. Where else can you see a Meteor Crater and a large canyon that shows the impact of water erosion all in one state?

The People Factor

Health insurance is one type of insurance you’re pretty much guaranteed to use (Who Needs Health Insurance? 2011). We all need medical attention from time to time, and some of us need it quite frequently.

Factors and Forces of Geological Features

Erosion is very common everywhere, but North Carolina actually has a whole city that is built in a dome like feature that was created by erosion. Rocks in this region are metamorphosed igneous and metamorphosed sedimentary.