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Database Systems and Database Models


          As my imagination that I’m hired in the high-end electronics organization for assist in the streamlining the data processing of this organization. This Org. has the various departments such as the payroll, human resources, finance, marketing, sales, and operations. Therefore, I must find the commissions of the sales employees by the functions in the SQL. I will find the commissions in the December month. After that, I will find the commissions for the same employees but every month, and comparing between the last answer and this answer. Then I will create the tables by the Microsoft Visio, and I will find the types of the relationships among all these tables. Next, I will explain the factors that necessary to ensure the referential integrity such as the primary keys and the foreign keys. I will identify the meaning of entities and attributes, and I will the entities and the attributes of this database. In the last I will describe what is the importance of the big data for the productivity of the organizations.

1. Design a query that will allow the finance department to determine the commissions paid to specific employees of the sales department for the month of December:

If we need to compute the employees commissions, then we must build the following tables:

          For computing the employees’ commissions, I must use the SELECT function to find the information from the column list that I need it. Also, I used the FROM function for the table list that I used its column’s information. The following program is used to find the employees commissions who work in the sales department through the December:   

SELECT CommissionRate, DepartmentID, InvDate, Quantity, ProductCost,

FROM employee, Invoice, InvoiceLineDepartment, Product,

WHERE DepartmentID = 201 , InvDate>=12/1/2015, InvDate<=12/31/2015,

GROUP BY Department, Invoice,

HAVING (SUM (ProductCost*Quantity))*(CommissionRate),

 “The sum of commissions =”;

2. Compare the code of the query you designed in Question one (1) to one that would show how much total compensation is paid to each employee for the same month:

         I must use the same previous program, else selecting the (EmpNumber, EmpFirstName) column and delete the use of the SUM function.

SELECT EmpNumber, EmpFirstName, CommissionRate, DepartmentID, InvDate, Quantity, ProductCost,

FROM employee, Invoice, InvoiceLine, Department, Product,

WHERE DepartmentID = 201, InvDate>=12/1/2015, InvDate<=12/31/2015,

GROUP BY Department, Invoice,

HAVING (ProductCost*Quantity*CommissionRate)],

“The total compensation is paid to the employee =”,

PRINT EmpNumber, EmpFirstName;

3. Determine and explain the factors necessary to ensure referential integrity:

              The primary key is necessary for the database integrity and entity integrity because of all its values must be unique, and none of its attribute’s values is null. The sound of the null in the attributes values represents the problem in the database integrity, because of the meaning of null is the absence of the data value. For an example of the null in the primary key: not all the employees have the EmpNumber. The foreign key is very important for the referential integrity because it is the creation of the common attributes between the tables. For an example of the foreign keys: EmpNumber is found in the employee table and the Invoice table. Also, DepartmentID is the foreign key found in the employee table and the Department table. (Carlos Coronel, 2013).

4. Create an object-oriented model to show how the tables are interrelated through the use of graphical tools (Microsoft Visio), and the relationship types such as 1: M, 1:1, or M:1:


5. Identify which data components are the entities and attributes, and the relationship between each using an object representation diagram through the use of graphical tools (Microsoft Visio):

An entity: It is the object, thing, or event about which data are collected and stored.

An attribute: It is the characteristics of the entity. (Carlos Coronel, 2013).

The Entities in this database are Employee, Invoice, InvoiceLine, Product, Department, and Job. While, the Attributes are: EmpNumber, EmpFirstName, EmpLastName, CommissionRate, YrlySalary, DepartmentID, JobID, InvNumber, InvDate, InvAmount, InvLineNumber, ProductNumber, Quantity, ProductDescription, ProductCost, DepartmentDescription, JobDescription.

6. Describe how Big Data could be used to assist in the productivity and forecasting of the organization’s products and resources:

       The high increasing (big volume, high velocity, and a wide variety) of data are being the big problem. It has high speed, big size, and more resources; therefore, without this management we cannot be quickly controlling of it. The IT professional is facing the more challenges because of the big data analytics. Data analytics found the solve for all these problems and it could improve the services and make the benefits for employees, customers, and all users. Big Data refer to find the best ways for managing the data with efficient performance, low cost, and fast. The difficult of the managing the big data are by the many reasons such as the most of the data are unstructured, and it is growing fast then need the big storage. (Barton Poulson, 2014).

           The many features in the big data such as the scalability and fault tolerance may improve the business in some organizations. The big data “make better decisions”, “enhances productivity and creates significant value for the world economy by reducing waste and increasing the quality of products and services , “making information transparent”, “develop the next generation of products and services” , and “manufacturers are using data obtained from sensors embedded in products to create innovative…to avoid failures in new products”. (Mcguire, 2012).


             Through my research, I could to compute the commission rates of the all employees who work in the sales department for the December month, and the commissions rates for every month to the all employees. Then I could to find all the entities and all their attributes, and I could to find all the relationships types among them, such as the 1:1 and 1:M relationships. Also there are the primary key in every entity and there are non, one, or many of the foreign keys. There are various relations among the keys. In the last, I determined that the big data are very important for the productivity of the organization resources.

       That is right there are many challenges to face the speed of increasing the big data. But, when the analysts can to find the solutions for these challenges we can take more benefits from their, such as the the scalability and fault tolerance , make the better decisions, “enhances productivity and creates significant value for the world economy by reducing waste and increasing the quality of products and services , “making information transparent”, “develop the next generation of products and services” , and “manufacturers are using data obtained from sensors embedded in products to create innovative…to avoid failures in new products”. (Mcguire, 2012).


Carlos Coronel, (2013), Data Base System: Design, Implementation, and Management (Chapter Three). (eBook).

Mcguire, (2012), Why big data is the new competitive advantage, Retrieved from

Barton Poulson, (2014),

The Microsoft Office Visio.

The Microsoft Office Excel.

The Microsoft Office SQL.

The Oracle through the Putty.

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