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Describe at least two societal norms you experience in the workplace. How do these norms influence ethical decision-making? What are super norms? Do they influence decision-making? Provide a real-life example to support your argument.

One social norm at work is to always address your supervisor by last name.  For instance, if a boss was named Edward Bennett, the normal addressing would be to call him Mr. Bennett.  This has two effects on decision making.  One being that addressing him be last name reminds you’re of his position of authority and makes an individual think twice before involving a managing in normal everyday conversation in the office environment.  Using the last name makes and individual remember to act a certain way when the boss is around.  For instance, an individual would be more relaxed with peer coworkers and more uptight with a boss around.  This could intensify decision making or make it hard to think with an authority figure around. 

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