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The information gathered from the results of the DISC Platinum Assessment; it has been proved that ever member of the Learning Team has different personality. They possess different behavioral traits, behavioral style and sub-style. The styles are although linked with one another and assist in assessing our personalities. In order to avoid conflicts, enhance productivity it is required to study the differences in the personalities of the team members. This will also provide a platform and will lay a foundation towards achieving the goals. The team members will be motivated and will generate better results. With the help of this assessment, we can find out that which areas require improvement and where the changes could be made. As a team, we need these changes to enhance our functioning so that we can work in a team and move together in a better manner.
The DISC Platinum Rule Self Assessment shows Team Member Kristy to have an Interactive Style (the Impresser). In comparison to other interactive styles, her behavioral style shows that she is not too open and direct whereas tends to remain quiet. This does not mean that they are less enthusiastic in fact they are always willing to take responsibilities and are persuasive. This behavioral style comprises of various traits such as warm, loving. These people never tend to hurt others either physically or emotionally. They try to persuade but with a calm and cool effect. Their personalities are quite charming and are influensive for others. The sub style of Kristy is ‘the Impresser’ who does not believe in shortcuts whereas work real hard and have the natural ability to work towards achievement. They believe in fair means. They don’t like lingering and believe in acting fast and quickly. They like taking initiatives and are rather impatient. Because of this nature they also not accept the delay from other team members. They involve in various projects and tasks at one time. This may create problem for them rather they should focus on one project at a time which will help them in bringing balance in their activities. They should learn to utilize their time in a better manner and act sensibly in this regard. (Geier, Blanchard Assessments)
Second team member Jennifer was proved to be ‘The Relater’ as per the DISC Platinum Rule Self Assessment. This style suggests that the person have a steadiness in her personality. The people belonging to this group are hard working and responsible. The individuals having this behavioral style like to take charge of different tasks. The tasks are broken up into simpler parts as they try to avoid difficult and complex jobs. The team then shares these tasks with them and tries to move in a positive direction. But again, all this require a good management. They possess good listening skills. They provide reliability and strength to the team. Although they tend to avoid complex tasks but given a chance prove themselves to be productive. In case of stress and pressure they at time act rigidly. This style leads to think logically and the individuals under this behavioral style like to move step by step, for this purpose they require documentation. The short-term results are welcomed by such people and they appreciate being recognized and awarded. In comparison to the impressers they are slow beginners, highly sensitive and usually their goals are not clearly defined or properly set. (Geier, Blanchard Assessments)
The Dominant Style is the next style listed by the DISC Platinum Rule Self Assessment. According to this behavioral style the prominent and dominant traits of the team member’s personality are highlighted. The Dominant Style also known as The Producers. As the name indicates the individuals under this personality think big and try to achieve bigger. The goals set by these individuals are big and grand but they ensure that these goals are achieved successfully, efficiently and effectively. They believe in on time task completion, therefore they tend to take control of the activities and like being involved throughout the task. If it is said that they tend to have somewhat leadership quality it will not be wrong. They enjoy working under pressures that is in great competitions and endeavor to strict deadlines. Because of all this they have high productivity rates. The individuals under this behavioral style resist people who might act as a hindrance in achieving their goals and prove to be obstacles. Not listening carefully, unhappiness in taking orders and a resistance to change are the weaknesses of this behavioral style. The individuals should tend to be open, need to energize by relaxing and try to understand and discuss what others want to say. By discussing others’ opinions, ideas and desires can bring the improvement in such personalities. They should give others a chance to prove themselves and for this purpose they are required to be more flexible. (Geier, Blanchard Assessments)
The dominant traits of team members Mervin show that her personality comes under the Dominant Style (The Producer). She believes in grander goals and is highly motivated to achieve them. She is goal-focused and her style is fast paced. Her motivation is increased by being administrative and working towards achieving difficult goals. Her involvement in the tasks is from the beginning till the end. As she tends to move very fast, she tries to resist people and don’t feel comfortable with the ones going slow. At times her nature becomes like a dictator. She is a person who does not believe in being emotional and also do not care for the emotions of others. She possesses extraordinary operational skills but due to her dominant nature it becomes difficult for her to cope up with other members. She is no doubt a great leader and can handle many tasks at a time. Her energy brings strength to the team but because of her impatience and insensitivity her co-operation with others is hindered and slow down her pace of working. (Geier, Blanchard Assessments)
The DISC Platinum Rule Self Assessment shows Team Member Rachel to have an Interactive Style (the Impresser). Rachel is also friendly and warm like Kristy. She also possesses extraordinary social and communication skills. She is industrious and work harder if the rewards are high. She is receptive to change but is very enthusiastic. Her relation with her co-workers is very good and she assists them in bringing in new ideas and motivates them. She has a charismatic personality which attracts people towards her. She is always willing to help others. And strive on building relations. As far as her conflict management skills are concerned, she needs to work on them as she does not actively try to participate and resolve when a conflict occurs. Also a balance is required in her emotional behavior. (Geier, Blanchard Assessments)
Various behavioral traits have been discussed here by the Learning Team. We have tried to highlight the contrast and comparison in these styles and traits. We tend to understand and recognize different facts by working with individuals of different styles. We should make efforts to work successfully with all styles by coping up with their strengths and weaknesses. An individual from any particular style can work in every situation, just a little concern and co-operation is required. The individuals with Interactive style need our interest and attention. The Relaters need our sincerity. To cope up with the Dominance Style we need to be more efficient and competent. Being well-prepared is required with The Cautious Style. Thus, no matter what type of a personality is we should always keep in mind that personalities have something similar with every other personality, they might differ in some places with few and they may be completely different from everyone. Our efforts, co-operation and concern can easily bring the balance in our relationships and can lead to extraordinary team work.
Geier, John., Ph.D. 1977. (D.I.S.C.) Personal Profile System, Performax Systems International, Inc. Retrieved from
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