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Groups and Teams

The competition amongst the organizations these days is of an intense level. The organizations are suffering from the immense pressures from one another. To overcome these pressures and to cope up with the existing conditions there is a need that the organizations give their best output by utilizing their workforces in the best possible manner. For this purpose, the organizations need to fulfill its work processes and by doing so the duties and responsibilities are being delegated and distributed among different members of the workforce which hasten up the processes. “The delegation of duties is occurring through this redesign of the work process. The delegation process is in turn creating team environments in organizations. The redesign of the work process is also due to downsizing; a collapsing of the organization’s ranks, and the retiring of employees” (eNotes, 2009, p. 1). The difference between a group and team are discussed as under. Also, a discussion on the importance of diversity in the workplace and the relation to team dynamics has been conducted as under.

When more than one individual with different capabilities, skills and knowledge work together towards achieving a goal, then a group is formed. The group has the element of diversity therefore they are proved to be important for the organizations. The people in the group share their experiences and ideas which enhance the creativity and the process is completed much faster and in an appropriate manner. Because of the co-operation amongst the group members the decision-making process is also strengthened and chances of making a better decision are highly increased. But it is essential that the group is formed in such a manner that the members have compatibility with each other. Such a group performs the task more effectively, the members of the group are more satisfied and the team is viable, then this group can be considered as an effective group. Beside all this the members try to achieve there goals efficiently, in accordance with the deadlines and keeping in view the standard of quality and quantity. (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008, p. 171). The communication process in the effective groups is clear and more comprehensive due to which the responses are quick and accurate.

Basically, there are two types of groups. One is a formal group which is made when there is a specific goal to be achieved. It works with a specific purpose and adheres to all procedures and conditions. Whereas second is a non-formal group which is basically used in case of special interests and is sort of unofficial.

When the skills of a small group of people are complementary and the whole group is equally accountable for the results and outcomes then such a group is considered as a team. (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008, p. 192). According to eNotes 2009, p. 1, “The role of a team is to improve a situation or solve a problem. Teams were initiated because it was believed that ‘employees will best respond (be productive) when they have a high feeling of self-worth and of identification with the success of the organization.’ Reengineering, empowerment, and restructuring strategies can all give employees more control or hands-on involvement in dealing with their changing jobs.” Thus, a team works together with shared skills and hand in hand to accomplish a specific goal in the best possible manner.

            The teams have both advantages and disadvantages. According to eNotes, 2009, p. 1 the services are improved when a team is formed. The teams also assist in breaking down the departmental or branch barriers, thus providing more time for other duties. The teams can also identify issues more accurately and have a better communication network and obtaining feedback from others is more effective. Furthermore, the delegation of the duties and responsibilities reduces the completion time. Again, if an effective team is not made, the team members are not fully aware and do not have complete knowledge this can bring negative effect. Another disadvantage is that the members of the team at times compete with each other and due to the lack of tracking may face a failure. Also lack of co-operation, appreciativeness and acknowledgement by the organizations also result in failures.

According to eNotes, 2009, p. 1 the team environment plays an important role in achieving a goal and their effectiveness and ineffectiveness is based on this. The teams and groups are very essential for the organizations to enhance their productivity and to get a competitive edge. All the functions of the organizations are based on the working of these teams and groups effectively. If the environment is favorable the teams and groups will flourish and give an extraordinary performance but if the environment is unfavorable the situation will be vice versa. This environment consists of cultural diversity among the team or group members which at time give rise to different obstacles and the goal accomplishment becomes complex. “Diversity is generally defined as acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing, and celebrating differences among people with respect to age, class, ethnicity, gender, physical and mental ability, race, sexual orientation, spiritual practice, and public assistances status” (Green, Lopez, Wysocki, & Kepner, 2009, p. 1). This diversity can have both positive and negative impact on the organizations. When the people belonging to different cultures and ethnic values work together, they bring in new concepts, ideas and share valuable experience thus enhancing the positive impact of the teams. This also bring in accuracy and strength to the decision-making process. On the other hand, stereotyping of certain individuals can have a negative effect on those who belong to a different origin. Certain issues might rise like harassment, unsatisfaction and a sense of being different because of the customs of different cultures. “In many ways, diversity initiatives complement non-discrimination compliance programs by creating the workplace environment and organizational culture for making differences work. Diversity is about learning from others who are not the same, about dignity and respect for all, and about creating workplace environments and practices that encourage learning from others and capture the advantage of diverse perspectives” (Cornell University, 2009, p. 1).

To better understand the concept of team or group working let’s take an example of an organization who wants to introduce itself in a new market. Different individuals from marketing department, production department, finance department, creative department, research department and PR department make a team or a group whose specific goal is to launch their product in a market and face the already existing competition in a better manner. The individuals from research department and PR department will try to gather the information of the target market, production and creative personnel will put in their efforts to make the product in accordance with the requirements of the target market, marketing department individuals will plan such a promotional campaign which will attract the customers. Furthermore, the individuals from the finance department will arrange, allocate and monitor the funds required for the whole project. The effective communication will enhance the process of getting the information and responses from the target market. The delegation of duties will require lesser time for completion of the project.

Thus, groups and teams play a vital role in the success of different organizations. In order to compete in today’s global market organizations, require strategies better then that of their competitors and due to the advanced technology, the time span is decreasing therefore effective teams and groups in a workforce can be very effective for an organization. They prove to be an asset and increase the productivity, output and last but not the least the profits and revenues of an organization.


Cornell University. (2009). Workplace diversity. Retrieved on February 21, 2010 from


Green, Kelli A., Lopez, Mayra., Wysocki, Allen., & Kepner, Karl. (2009). Diversity in the           workplace: Benefits, challenges, and the required managerial tools.. Retrieved on        February 19, 2010 from

Schermerhorn, Jr., J.R., Hunt, J.G., & Osborn, R.N. (2008). Organizational behavior (10th Ed.)

“Work Groups (Teams).” Encyclopedia of Business and Finance. Ed. Allison McClintic Marion.

Gale Cengage, 2001. 2006. Retrieved February 19, 2010 from

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