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As living things are made up of different organs which perform different functions similarly an organization comprises of different functional units that is the workers who further on in different groups or individually act as body organs of an organization and form different departments. These departments (organs) are responsible to perform various functions of an organization and are linked or inter-dependant on one another. For example marketing department, operations department, production department etc all work in collaboration and their functions are inter-connected with each other. They all work together for the development of the organization. Therefore we can say that organizations are similar to living organisms.
The study of the behavior of the workers whether individual or in group, which they conduct during the work in an organization is known as organizational behavior. This study is based on facts and evidences. Whatever they do, their different actions and their different attitudes and behaviors with one another and in different situations, all come under organizational behavior. Furthermore the effect of the behavior of the people in a workplace and also the ways to bring improvement and betterment in it is also a part of organizational behavior study.
In order to grow and expand the business of an organization it is very important to understand the organizational behavior. This study helps in bringing in the improvement and helps in development of the people and the organization respectively. A positive change can be brought about in various practices. The knowledge of the individuals and their experiences can be enhanced with it. With the help of organizational behavior study the relationship between the members of organization can be better understood and efforts can be made to improve them. It also enhances the decision making, team work and critical thinking, thus a better environment can be created with it.
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