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How do individuals impact organizations? How do organizations impact individuals? What makes your organization unique from other organizations? What is organizational culture?

The individuals are the basic functional units of any organization. Since they are the workers, operators and managers who look after different operations and activities of any organization therefore all functions of an organization are performed by them. If these individuals are satisfied with their jobs, environment of the workplace, the salaries and other fringe benefits offered to them, they’ll be happy and will definitely give a better output which is necessary for the organization. Their relationships in the organization, number of leaves and the effort which they’ll put in are very much affected by the level of their job satisfaction. Thus healthy, happy and satisfied individuals make an organization strong and healthy.

The major part of the day, in fact the lives of the individuals are spent in oorganizations. These organizations give an identity to the individuals. If the job nature and workplace environment is feasible for an individual he’ll be more contented and will be more productive. But if the policies, rules and regulations of an organization become a reason for the depression of the individuals their output will decrease. The individuals will not have a feeling of belongingness and will not perform their jobs properly. Secondly if the organization is unable to give them a fair reward against their performance this will also create a negative impact on the individuals. No doubt good wages, incentives, other benefits and a word of appreciation can create miracles. Thus the performance of an individual is very much affected by their organizations.

My organization is involved in various businesses and has offices in many countries. It highly believes in better ways of communication and job satisfaction. The organization believes in ‘open doors policy’. We have both corporate as well as home based employees. The corporate employees have the opportunity to walk in the office of their managers and share whatever feedback, ideas or problems they have. As far as the home-based employees are concerned they are all over the world and mostly have never visited the offices but still they are also very much in contact with their supervisors or the corporate staff through e-mails, telephones, net conferencing and messages. They always get the full support in regard to their queries. The employees are considered as assets and organization makes all the efforts to make them satisfied so that they give their best. I think this is a unique feature and differentiate my organization from the others and no doubt by looking after the employees, the organization is becoming more productive and competitive in the global market.

The values, ethics, norms and customs followed in an organization build up the atmosphere of that organization which further on gives birth to the organizational culture. The organizational culture also comprises of the rules, regulations and policies of the organization. Furthermore the attitudes, relationships, expectations and behavior of the individuals in an organization also form a part of the organizational culture. All the functions and activities performed in an organization are very much based on this organizational culture. The organizational culture is usually determined by the senior staff and the new comers adopt it but with the passage of time different changes positive or negative may occur. Co-operation and assistance to one another in a workplace is part of a positive organizational culture whereas leg pulling or professional jealousy is a part of negative organizational culture. The organizational culture may have both positive and negative impact on the productivity and reputation of an organization and it gives a competitive edge to it.

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