Sample Assessments

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In the assigned readings for this week, what ONE concept was most intriguing to you and why?

Bateman and Snell stated that sometimes managers and supervisors find useful to create a team in order to make an important decision (Bateman & Snell, 2007). Teams are groups of individuals put together in order to achieve common goals. Team has an exceptional advantage which is called synergy. Synergy is the interactions between the group members that usually produce greater results than the sum of their single efforts. However, an issue with the team concept is that team members who have shown exceptional performances on their individual projects may not perform on group assignments as well as they performed on individual ones.


Bateman, T.S. and Snell S. (2007). Management: leading and collaborating in the competitive world (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin

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