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BHA FPX 4112 Assessment 3 National Health Insurance in the United States

Discussion of the Impact of Medicare and Medicaid on the Health Care System

Medicare and Medicaid were created to target vulnerable and low-pay populace. Most bill opponents alluded to its cost and the weight taxpayers would have to handle. However, significant results further created access to quality and medical care administrations overshadowed initial concerns. Brown (2019) states that empirical data reveals that Medicaid and Medicare programs significantly dealt with the ability of poor and more seasoned adults to access healthcare administrations at relatively cost-convincing costs.

Also, the public insurance program helps cover various uninsured families, allowing them to access primary and other specialized medical administrations that were out of their financial reach. Giving millions of American families health insurance decreased reliance on dangerous personal payments that would lead to catastrophic medical costs (Currie & Duque, 2019). Finally, Medicaid and Medicare helped self-revealing among low-pay families, advancing better health results.

Determine the Feasibility of Expanding Medicare and Medicaid Into a National Health Insurance Available for All Americans

Even though many Americans have private insurance coverage, personal payments remain relatively high. This aspect, together with the 20% uninsured Americans, has recharged the expansion of Medicare and Medicaid to create a Universal Healthcare Coverage (UHC) system. Nelson (2022) chronicled that past systems have consistently determined that a single-payer system was politically and finically infeasible. However, stream research and comparison of other nations’ healthcare systems have shown that the UHC program is plausible in the United States. Regardless, research conducted by investigating companies indicates that more than 56 % of Americans support reforms for enacting a single-payer system (Brown, 2019).

Additionally, the increasing cost of medical administrations, along with paying misfortunes caused by high inflation and the aftermath of Coronavirus, warrant the government executing a single-payer system to allow individuals to access healthcare administrations at cost-convincing costs. A UHC program would allow more than 20 million uninsured Americans to get insurance coverage (Currie & Duque, 2019). Finally, the United States should gather adequate taxes to help a single-payer system. However, adopting a single-payer system remains improbable because of failures, long waiting times, and considerable costs to the federal government, as examined in the BHA FPX 4112 Assessment 3 National Health Insurance in the United States.

Identify Access, Utilization, Technology, Cost, And Growth Concerns Resulting from National Health Insurance.

Executing a national healthcare insurance system will have far-reaching benefits in further creating access to medical administrations. A national insurance system will allow individuals to access critical medical administrations at cost-strong costs. This aspect will motivate self-detailing and enable individuals from low-pay and big-time salary families to get equitable access to primary and specialized medical care (Nelson, 2022). In addition, a national healthcare coverage system will help integrate and utilize medical technology to meet the upsurge in patient demands. A single-payer system will assist hospitals in integrating current technological systems to help them leverage a national payment system.

  • National Insurance System Advantages

Another advantage of a national insurance system is executing a federal cost management system that controls the cost of various medical data wellsprings (Liu & Spring, 2017). However, the national insurance system presents concerns regarding managing a colossal number of safeguarded individuals and the total cost of running the insurance programs the government ought to pay.

Advantages of a Single-Payer System

A single-payer insurance system presents various advantages to American inhabitants and the general healthcare administration of the United States. One of the primary advantages of a national insurance system is that it facilitates the negotiations of fair costs of various medical and pharmaceutical contributions because of the strengthening of the purchasing force of the entire populace (Nelson, 2022). This aspect makes the cost of medical administration and things relatively cheaper. In addition, universal coverage will allow for the implementation of a converged management system, lessening administrative costs and creating a convincing cost-control system to make medical care more affordable.

Finally, a single-payer system would increase access to primary and specialized medical services (Brown, 2019). It would allow American citizens to access medical services regardless of pay and business status.

Disadvantages of a Single-Payer System

Opponents of a single-payer insurance system allude to various setbacks and drawbacks that may confine its integration and viability. One of the major setbacks of the national healthcare system is that it causes longer waiting times. A national insurance system would rely upon bureaucratic systems and elective reasoning, which can be slow, resulting in longer waiting times for individuals to access essential healthcare administrations. Second, the implementation and execution of a national insurance system is a costly affair that will probably take a considerable amount of government wages. A single-payer system may take over 40% of the government’s spending plan (Currie & Duque, 2019).

  • Single-Payer System Analysis

Finally, a single-payer system would disintegrate competition because it amalgamates various insurance and medical components. A government-controlled insurance system would eliminate decisions for Americans commonly tracked down in an unhindered economy. An analysis of the aforementioned setbacks and advantages of a single-payer system indicates that the forthcoming advantages of a single-payer system overshadow its associated drawbacks.

Application of the Reimbursement Methods of National Health Insurance to the United States Health Care System

A single-payer system is a mandatory insurance coverage system for a total population. The system gathers assets by forming a centralized single gamble pool financed by taxing individuals’ exceptional rates. Each American would be covered under a single assistance agreement, allowing individuals to search for additional private coverage. A single component of the healthcare system will have the mandate for the enaction of rules for offering quality and medical kinds of assistance (Liu & Stream, 2017).

The component will determine reimbursable healthcare and payment rates for all providers. A tax-based reimbursement system controlled by a central government agency is applicable in the United States because of its large tax-based and proficient governmental institutions.

Application of Operational Practices of National Health Insurance to the United States Health Care System

A national insurance system will encompass the reevaluation and alignment of healthcare administrations’ operational practices. Steward (2020) ascertains that medical stakeholders ought to execute strategies to create grassroots local area health systems to elevate access to medical administrations from regional areas. This interaction will require health agencies to identify social determinants of health to address the lack of Medicaid.

In addition, reforms such as enacting a tax-based insurance reimbursement system facilitate the establishment of national enhancements accessible by all clients (Head Servant, 2020). Finally, integrating adaptable and state innovations creates a national system adaptable to dynamic environmental changes.

Explain How the Practices of Physicians, Hospitals, Insurers, Patients, and the Government Would Each Change to Transition to National Health Insurance

The public safety net provider would finance the national health insurance program, sponsoring it through tax systems and government demands. Physicians would be trained to convey specialized and primary care to all their corresponding patients. The public hospitals would get a large portion of the assets, with the remainder reallocated to the private sector. Hospitals will adapt to their systems to convey quality medical care in an advantageous and adaptable manner (Currie & Duque, 2019). Finally, the government will maintain inpatient and outpatient medical care, as outlined in the BHA FPX 4112 Assessment 3 National Health Insurance in the United States.


Brown, L. D. (2019). Single-Payer Health Care in the United States: Feasible Solution or Grand Illusion? American Journal of Public Health, 109(11), 1506-1510. https://doi.org/10.2105%2FAJPH.2019.305315

Butler, S. M. (2020 December, 9). Achieving an equitable national health system for America. Brooking. https://www.brookings.edu/research/achieving-an-equitable-national-health- system-for-America/

Currie, J., & Duque, V. (2019). Medicaid: what does it do, and can we do it better? The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 686(1), 148-179.

Liu, J. L., & Brook, R. H. (2017). What is single-payer health care? A review of definitions and proposals in the US. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 32(1), 822-831. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-017-4063-5

Nelson, J. (2022). Economic effects of five illustrative single-payer health care systems: Working Paper Series, 02(57637), 1-56. https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/202202/57637-Single- Payer-Systems.pdf

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