
Sample Assessments

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C921 Assessment and Evaluation Strategies for Measuring Student Learning

D1: Assessment theory, concept, or principle Formative assessment


The formative assessment executed in this course module is a formative online discussion board. This assessment will check the knowledge of understudies that could disentangle the control of the neighbourhood escort. It is expected that the understudies will need to give a specific explanation of the positions and obligations of the neighbourhood clinical supervisor. It will ensure that understudies have strong regions for neighbourhood nursing to cultivate extra effect throughout the course. The online discussion board allows understudies to show their expertise and knowledge of the materials. Individual responses will portray the work and obligations of neighbourhood general thriving nursing and the support behind neighbourhood people-focused care. The theory for the specific strategy of this assessment was the constructivist learning theory.

Brandon and Each (2010) express that using constructivism theory, by which learning is a working cycle wherein understudies develop novel contemplations or concepts based upon their current or past information, trailblazers in nursing tutoring can complete an improvement in setting towards concept-based illuminating plans (pg., 89). This progression will guarantee that understudies will be attracted to each other through electronic gathering discussion concerning the information that they present in their posts and responses related to their knowledge of the neighbourhood general prospering nursing; constructivist learning theory outfits the understudies with the opportunity to share, examine, and learn information while socially conversing with each other. This theory course of action will allow the instructor to guide and support the understudy while achieving the limit.

Summative performance-based assessment

The summative performance-based assessment that will be used is a windshield centred around written in an enlightening paper format and a thought plan utilizing the arrangement given in the module. The understudies work near their accomplices in social gatherings of 3-4 to use their unequivocal thinking skills to unravel information on the dependent neighbourhood, a windshield outline, separate neighbourhood and needs, and plan nursing interventions. The endeavour will be used to assess the understudy understudies’ sorting out obviously fulfilled objectives. Standard understudies will coordinate a neighbourhood/windshield outline, utilize their nursing information to see neighbourhood/barriers and advance achievement upkeep and flourishing equilibrium. The theory picked for the specific arrangement of this assessment was the constructivist theory.

For this assessment, understudies should attract and invite others to their gatherings to complete the windshield chart and care plan. With the constructivist acquiring theory, the middle progressions from the educator to the student, as opposed to the educator inertly giving information to the students, the students are drawn in with their course of learning.

According to Olusegun (2015), “constructivism propels social and social cutoff points by fanning out a homeroom environment that underlines collaboration and exchange of considerations. Students ought to sort out a brilliant strategy for clearly introducing their points of view and collaborating and exchanging contemplations and proposal in pack projects” (pg., 68). The connection between understudies completing this assessment will incorporate enlightening and social correspondence of the making experience, allowing them to refine their contemplations and help others find information. Using the constructivist learning theory will enable the instructor to provide both guidance and support to the understudy while achieving limits.

Summative objective assessment

The summative objective assessment executed for the course module is a 10-thing assessment. The safeguard for the test is to review the appreciation understudies could decipher the course materials peddled in the modules related to the calamity of the trailblazers. Understudies should apply and research the information they have learned to address the assessment questions. The theory picked for this assessment was the cognitivism theory.

Cognitivism learning theory requires the understudy to use information management, experiences, and memory to work with learning through getting, storing, and recuperating information that assists them with fostering the end and limits concerning autonomous getting (Badyal &Singh, 2017). The summative objective assessment will help develop the understudy’s psychological cutoff points by checking on their prior information to answer the sales questions correctly. Using the cognitivism learning theory will allow the instructor to evaluate the good judgment and support of the information given in the course instructive program by completing the 10-thing assessment.

D2: Potential implementation barriers Formative assessment


A potential limit to completing the electronic discussion for the formative assessment is an improvement. An understudy could have issues getting to the electronic course class portal or have unforeseen web access issues. Another potential electronic impediment is that understudies could have issues posting within the time objectives related to their work and standard everyday presence needs. This will require the understudies to have the choice to post and reply during the time period.

Summative objective assessment


A potential end to completing the electronic pack work assessment windshield outline formal paper and care plan is that each person from the get-together would not contribute in basically a comparative manner or not complete their picked regions on time. A section that does not correspondingly contribute could impact various people from the party’s grade and do more work for various people from the get-together.

Understudies will complete an assessment close to realizing the assessment on everyone from the get-together they worked with. They will likewise be asked to speedily report any issues with pack people’s performance to the instructor every time. Another potential end to completing this assessment in the electronic environment is having the choice to visit with people from the get-together fundamentally. Pack people should spread out how to visit each other and consider each other talented enough to complete the work.

Summative objective assessment

A potential end to completing the electronic 10-thing assessment for the summative objective assessment is the probability that the understudy could show speedy untruthfulness; regardless of how the understudies proctor this assessment, it could, in any event, be untrustworthy by investigating answers or exploring outside the assessment window. Another web-based potential hindrance is if the understudy experiences issues with their web access while taking the assessment, causing division and achieving a zero.


D3: Importance of Authenticity


Nursing instructors establish the foundations for students to support their nursing information. The nursing educator is committed to empowering an informational program that is brief, clear, and contains the illuminating materials expected to meet the course objectives and understudy learning outcomes beyond what many would consider possible.

Insisted assessment is a technique for dealing with the assessment of learning through which students can show information, cutoff focuses, and mentalities concerning genuine world or level-headed nursing practice works out (Poindexter, Hagler and Lindell, 2015). The nursing illuminating plan has changed during that open way to guarantee that new experts get the critical information and, what is more, the limits expected to focus on patients truly. Ordinary assessment strategies put more perceptible components on testing understudies; using certified assessment nursing heading depends on guaranteeing that students can apply the hypothesis to rehearse. This expects that they give good ‘old-fashioned execution-based assessment and potential growth opportunities that construe that they ought to review the data and apply what they know. Students report positive outcomes with the utilization of the certifiable assessment approach, that the rubric gave clearness and bearing to their learning objectives, fostered their conviction, and made information and authoritative capacities to think (Wu, Heng and Wang, 2014).

Endeavours and execution-based assessments require students to apply the information they have gotten to reenactment or conditions. This requires the student to have a controlled climate that is liberated from assessment and safe for the patient and student. Giving this climate will work with the student to have sound clinical judgment and the capacity to zero in on the circumstance to have the decision to truly make a perception of hypothesis into getting ready.

D4: Objective assessment outcomes

Nursing instructors should ensure the authenticity and reliability of assessments are evident across different testing conditions and confining evaluators to encourage objective summative cutoff assessments for students’ on one express subject. The teacher should gander at the quandary, fittingness, and importance more while picking what regions to change or dispose of inside the assessment.

Low test-level reliability

Reliability instigates how dependably or consistently a test checks a brand name. As per Livingston (2018), “The reliability of test scores in the total they are clear across various events of testing, various appearances of the test, or different raters scoring the test taker’s reactions.” on the off chance that a particular steps through an assessment again will they get a comparative score or an impossibly outstanding score? This portrays test reliability. A test that conveys a commensurate score for a particular test is said to assess a brand name interminably. Low test-level reliability indicates that paying little psyche to how persistently a student encounters the assessment, they won’t get a near score. Standard parts can, as such, expect a piece in test-level reliability, for example, room temperature, ruckus level, lighting, and test length.

A plan other than enabling test reliability is determining how many items are on a test and the time allowed to finish the test. Making how many items on the test will give the student a better than getting a higher score, and extending the allowed testing time will diminish the uneasiness of the student while imagining that they will go through all reasonable time, allowing them to take additional time focusing on the deals. Activities other than fostering low test-level reliability related to regular parts are giving the test in a similar report hall with sufficient lighting and temperature and giving the test on the same day of the week. These activities will help spread a strong and ordinary climate.

Low item discrimination

Item discrimination causes the impediment of an item to confine among understudies thinking about how well they understand the material being tested. It separates students who are higher and lower entertainers. Test items are perceived to isolate on the off chance that the more raised-level student answers the items unequivocally, while the lower-level student answers the item mistakenly.

Factors that could bring a low difficulty record are content learning objectives were not educated in

class, the deals were past the student’s level of understanding, question-conveying is not rich, students didn’t acceptably review or form gave assets, the schedule is nonsensically exhaustive, and furthermore, peculiar educator (Shad, 2016).

A course of action other than helping the low-item discrimination is to use normalized assessments. These can be obtained through the course book Internet, mentioning banks from which the educator can pull demands. Students ought to be shown the protection for the test, the parts that can affect the results, and the testing strategies for thinking utilized. The Public Relationship for Nursing proposes offering staff progress programming on the utilization of fair testing rules in the making of program testing, advance assessment on and improvement of fair testing practices, and urge sheets of nursing to push moral and proof-based fair testing practices to concentrate on understudy learning in nursing getting ready ventures (NLN, 2012).

Low pass rates

The inside and outside aspects can influence the student’s capacity to pass a test and result in low pass rates. As investigated earlier, regular components like a boisterous room, fluctuating room temperatures, and staggering lighting can influence the student’s testing mastery. The student might not have figured out the test. The time frame to finish the test could factor into low pass rates. While deficient concerning time was given, the learner may speed through finishing the test or not have the decision to finish the test. Another arrangement of low test-level reliability is that the course materials did not give unprecedented data to guarantee the students’ flourishing and couldn’t fight the temptation to conflict with the course objectives or understudy learning objectives.

Activities of thought to enable low pass rates are to change any outer parts that can be controlled as isolated at this point; for example, room temperature, light, the time allowed, and time and date tests are given. Another thought would be to conduct an essential piece of the time survey of the course to guarantee that it lines up with the course objectives and understudy learning objectives. Concentrate on the learning modules and assets to ensure all learning styles are tended to. Another thought is to give an intelligent discussion or think for replies after the students have seen their results. This will help the teacher see where the students have openings in their learning.

D5: Using assessment results

Assessment results for objective and summative execution-based assessments ensure the point of view on the course materials shows frameworks and helps the educational learning exercises and course-enlightening projects. Assessment results should be utilized to embrace the assessment of understudy outcomes, refine preparing and learning structures, figure out and maintain the reasons and objectives of the course, and work on nursing teaching (TCNJ, 2021).

The sole protection behind helping educators is to guarantee wise accomplishment for all students while cultivating an enlightening course of action. The illuminating structure must be massive, sensible, and connected with learning. The helpful program should be dependably thought as clinical thought changes to guarantee that it reflects proof-based best practices. Separating the course objective and understudying learning outcomes would also be ideal. The results from the objective and summative show-based assessment can help the nursing teacher learn new plans to improve their appearance methods.



Badyal, D., & Singh, T. (n.d.). Learning Theories: The basics to learn in medical education. International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research, 7(1), 1-3. doi:10.4103/ijabmr.IJABMR_385_17

Brandon, A., & All, A. (2010). Constructivism theory analysis and application to curricula. Nurs Educ Perspect, 31(2), 89-92. doi:PMID: 20455364

Livingston, S. (2018, January). Test Reliability—Basic Concepts – ETS Home. Retrieved from https://www.ets.org/Media/Research/pdf/RM-18-01.pdf



Living … Retrieved from http://www.nln.org/docs/default-source/about/nln-vision-series- (position-statements)/nlnvision_4.pdf

Olusegun, S. (2015). Constructivism learning theory: A paradigm for teaching and learning. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education, 6(1), 66-70. doi:10.9790/7388-05616670

Poindexter, K., Hagler, D., & Lindell, D. (2015). Designing Authentic Assessment. Nurse Educator, 40(1), 36-40. doi:10.1097/nne.0000000000000091

Shad, N. (2016, September). Factors Affecting Difficulty & Discrimination Indices Dr …


Retrieved from http://drnaumanshad.com/index.php/2016/09/19/factors-affecting-difficulty- discrimination-indices/

TCNJ. (2021). Nursing. Retrieved from https://nursing.tcnj.edu/programs/bachelor-of-science-in- nursing-bsn/assessment-plan-for-student-outcomes/

Wu, X. V., Heng, M. A., & Wang, W. (2015). Nursing students experiences with the use of authentic assessment rubric and case approach in the clinical laboratories. Nurse Education Today, 35(4), 549-555. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2014.12.009

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