Sample Assessments

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Course Reflection

Describe how course assignments or activities will help you achieve Program Outcome 2: Create a caring environment for achieving quality health outcomes (Care-Focused).

                In this course, I was able to perform various tasks of creating a caring environment for attaining healthy results together with improving my knowledge as NP student. Based on the practicum experience through I-HUMAN patient encounters it has given me competency that will enhance my profession as FNP. This paper would agree on the fact that an NP plays playing vital role in ensuring that patients have a caring environment to enhance better health and quality of life. This course provided me a platform to start applying some of the tools from my previous courses and this course in a clinical environment. The course enabled me to create an environment of care through patient-centered, culturally sensitive care. The i-Human assignments formed the foundation from which health history taking and focused examinations were obtained. The technique of history-taking needs to be employed in the clinical practice area. Basically, a patient simply has to know that a prover cares. Stating questions to get to the diagnosis facilitates a therapeutic conversation that may reflect compassion and enlarge relationships pointing to care. If a provider can demonstrate that they care for the patient it becomes easier to ensure that the patient is well taken care of.

Describe how course assignments or activities will help you achieve ONE of the advanced-level nursing education competencies from AACN Essentials Domain 2.

                The competencies for the advanced-level nursing education selected from AACN Essentials Domain 2 that I chose is 2.3 Integrate assessment skills in practice. Any of the i-human assignments that I did for this course opened my understanding of nursing education competencies. In the present ph, during the physical examination in the Company, I am required to perform the following targeted assessments in the virtual platform. Consequently, knowing the possible diagnostic conclusion, I can also order different investigations in the virtual platform. Also required 125 hours of direct patient care, which let me achieve this competency as well. Being in direct contact with the patient is when informed decision-making and the knowledge and skill acquired within the coursework could be employed to conduct the assessments in relation to the patient’s presenting complaints. For instance, in the week 7 i-Human assignment, the patient presented with a feature of knee pain. Originally, a diagnosis was made from an evaluation that involved considering some aspects. The plan also required evidence-based rationales. One more particular case resenting with testicular pain might be an example. Initially, when the patient arrived, he was on the list for CDC screen. The CDC screen also encompasses an encounter with the STD provider visit and a possible provision of medical prophylaxis. In the same visit, the patient said he was feeling pain in the genital area. As I have said it before, genital pain is rather ambiguous, and thus decided to begin using OLD Carts.

                 Continuing with the rest of the symptoms, the client was passing through testicular pain, and the pain started to spread to the left side of the pelvis. My clinical antennas were on because the client presented with symptoms that may not necessarily be associated with an STD. On palpation of the genitals, there was a swelling and erythema originating from the right testis. An ultrasound was arranged and from this formed the basis of this the client was diagnosed with varicocele. That day was really beneficial for me and using good examples, I realized how important it is to do a proper health history and a proper physical examination. If the only thing that I was sweating was the client’s chief complaint then presuming that he only needs the CDC screen and then routing him as such I would be fully aware that I have just misdiagnosed the patient.

Describe how course assignments or activities will help you achieve ONE of the NONPF Competencies Domain 4.

                The competency to which NONPF relates according to domain 4 to which I will be assigning my focus is management of the scholarship of NP nursing practice. Moreover, this competency has been well met by doing the course assignments and activities. This treatment plan presentation in SNAPPS assisted me in the practical application of research-based facts together with a male patient care plan and the evidence base for the treatment. It was also good for me personally to get a broader experience in how research evidence could be employed. In completing the i-Human assignment I was required to incorporate a scholarly article in the plan. This allowed me to use the notion of evidential-based practice.

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