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Choose a work of art from the reading in Chapter 1. c. Also, did anything particularly surprise or impress you about the work of art or the ancient people who created it?

Figure 1.3 – Woman (Venus of Willendorf) was interesting to me.  The sculpture shows a woman however, she is not feminine and is considered “a failed venus” because she is not beautiful nor sexually attractive.  Because of her largely shaped breast and belly, the sculpture is connected to childbearing.  Years ago, society believed that women were simply put on this earth to bear children and cater to their husband.  Surprisingly, this stigma on women was in the early nineteenth century, and at times in this day and age. However, the sculpture was found at Willendorf, Austria. ca. 24,000-21,000 BCE.  It makes me realize that no matter how far we’ve gotten, some still believe that women are only good for one or two things – childbearing and taking care of the home.

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