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NURS FPX 9904 Assessment 5 | Improving Patient Safety

This presentation highlights a project’s purpose, methods, outcomes, and impact to improve obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) screening compliance through a supplier-based education program.

The STOP-Bang tool was central to this initiative, serving as a teaching module and a screening framework to help healthcare providers identify patients at risk of OSA. This tool enabled clinical staff to achieve project goals by applying consistent and evidence-based screening practices. The outcomes demonstrated the effectiveness of the intervention, emphasizing the importance of supplier-driven education in enhancing patient care.

Project Purpose

The primary objective of this doctoral project was to increase OSA screening rates by implementing an education program for healthcare providers. The training focused on effectively using the STOP-Bang tool to identify patients likely to have OSA. This initiative aimed to standardize the screening process and address gaps in staff participation and adherence to screening protocols.

Through this intervention, the project aimed to ensure that patients identified as at-risk for OSA receive timely evaluation and treatment, ultimately improving patient safety and outcomes. The findings from NURS FPX 9904 Assessment 5 underscore the importance of equipping staff with the knowledge and skills to perform accurate and reliable OSA screenings.

Improving OSA Screening Compliance

Addressing Staff Participation Gaps

Before the intervention, 83% of respondents reported limited or no involvement in the OSA screening process. This lack of engagement highlighted the need for structured training programs to encourage staff participation and protocol adherence. The supplier-based education model significantly improved compliance by providing clear guidelines and practical demonstrations of the STOP-Bang tool.

Pre- and Post-Intervention Data

The project outcomes revealed a marked improvement in OSA screening rates following the intervention. Staff who received training through the supplier-based program were more likely to initiate and complete screenings, demonstrating the effectiveness of the educational model. As noted in NURS FPX 9904 Assessment 5, these results emphasize the value of consistent training in improving healthcare practices.

Project Outcomes

Quantitative Results

The project recorded a significant increase in OSA screening rates:

  • Pre-intervention screening rates: 7.5%.
  • Post-intervention screening rates: 14%.

Additionally, 93.7% of staff who underwent training agreed that the supplier-based education improved their understanding of OSA screening protocols. This increase in knowledge and engagement highlights the impact of focused training on clinical outcomes.

Key Findings

The outcomes demonstrated that implementing the STOP-Bang tool and educating staff led to the following:

  • Higher rates of OSA screening.
  • Increased adherence to screening protocols.
  • Improved identification of at-risk patients.

These results align with the goals of NURS FPX 9904 Assessment 5, showcasing the benefits of supplier-driven education in enhancing healthcare delivery.

The Impact of Supplier-Based Education

Early Diagnosis and Treatment

The supplier-based education model improved screening rates and contributed to the early diagnosis and treatment of OSA. The project ensured that patients received timely evaluations by equipping staff with the necessary skills and tools, reducing the risk of complications associated with untreated OSA.

Staff Empowerment

The training empowered staff to adopt evidence-based practices, reinforcing their role in patient care. As highlighted in NURS FPX 9904 Assessment 5, this approach fostered a culture of accountability and excellence within the clinical team, ultimately benefiting patients and providers.

Key Audience Takeaways

Advancing OSA Screening Practices

This doctoral project underscores the importance of structured education in improving OSA screening compliance. By demonstrating the effectiveness of the STOP-Bang tool, the project provides a roadmap for other healthcare organizations to enhance their screening processes.

Enhancing Patient Safety

The intervention’s success in identifying at-risk patients highlights the critical role of education in improving patient safety. Through targeted training and consistent application of screening tools, clinical staff can ensure better patient health outcomes.


The NURS FPX 9904 Assessment 5 Doctoral Project Presentation demonstrates the transformative impact of supplier-based education on OSA screening compliance. By focusing on staff training and implementing the STOP-Bang tool, the project achieved significant improvements in screening rates and patient safety.

These outcomes highlight the importance of structured, evidence-based interventions in addressing healthcare challenges. As we build on these findings, the lessons learned from this project will serve as a valuable resource for advancing clinical care and enhancing patient outcomes.


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