Sample Assessments

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This week, we have looked at several works of art that utilized allegorical themes. One of the most common uses of imagery in the medieval and Renaissance periods is allegory. What is an allegory? Describe how at least one of the examples of art in this week’s lecture or one of this week’s readings is allegorical in nature. Why, in your opinion, was allegory so prevalent during these periods? Is it still important in contemporary literature? Why or why not?

An allegory is a short moral story. A writing technique that works wonders and creates layers of deep meaning in a piece of literary work. It is also a figurative sentence or discourse. 
Writers use the allegory to present abstract ideas through concrete means–in the narrative form of prose, verse, or drama. Allegories usually fall into one of two categories: the political/historical allegory, and the allegory of abstract themes.

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