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“Don’t let fear or insecurity stop you from trying new things. Believe in yourself. Do what you love.” (Stacy London, n.d.). Life is constantly evolving, and in an instant, everything that is familiar can change. This reality is one of the many reasons I chose to dedicate my career to helping others by becoming a nurse. My journey began as a charge nurse in an acute care skilled nursing facility. As a new nurse, I had to quickly develop my skills, which led me to take on the role of a preceptor, where I trained new nurses in providing the highest quality, evidence-based care. After a few years in this role, I felt the need to take on a greater challenge and transitioned into hospital nursing. There, I worked as a critical care float nurse, spending the majority of my shifts in the intensive care unit. Working in this high-intensity environment made me realize the importance of furthering my education to improve patient outcomes and contribute to positive social change within my healthcare community. Walden University defines positive social change as “results in improvements of humans and social conditions” (Walden University, 2016).
After deciding to expand my nursing knowledge, it was essential to find a university that aligned with both my demanding schedule and my commitment to academic excellence. I wanted an institution that would challenge me with rigorous coursework while also accommodating my responsibilities as a working nurse and a parent of two young children. Walden University stood out as the ideal fit, as its mission closely aligns with my own professional goals. The university emphasizes “enhancement of critical thinking skills,” “implementing evidence-based practices,” and developing “core and specialty nursing knowledge in order to transform society” (Walden University, 2016). Education has always been a priority for me, and while balancing work, school, and parenting is a daunting task, the sense of accomplishment that comes with achieving a master’s degree will be invaluable. “It is a core belief at Walden that educational institutions like ours have an important role to play in supporting positive social change. To help students reach their fullest potential so they can be prepared to make a difference in the world around them” (Walden University, 2016).
With the aspiration of managing a critical care unit in the future, I believe Walden University’s mission, vision, and dedication to fostering change will equip me with the necessary skills and knowledge to become an effective nurse leader. Nurse managers play a crucial role in hospital settings as they serve as the primary connection between frontline nurses and senior leadership, including the Chief Nursing Officer and the Director of Inpatient Nursing. I have observed how the relationship between a nurse manager and their staff can significantly influence a nurse’s decision to remain in their position or leave the unit. Reducing turnover in nursing is critical, as staffing challenges affect patient care and workplace morale. Research has shown that “nurse managers create and sustain healthy environments that support professional nursing practice and staff nurse job satisfaction” (Duffield, Roche, Blay, & Stasa, 2011).
Through Walden University’s education, I aim to develop a broader perspective on healthcare that will enable me to address challenges at multiple levels, from individual patient care to hospital-wide policy improvements. Walden’s curriculum is designed to prepare students to “better address practical problems at an individual level as well as within their organizations, communities, and society at large” (Walden University, 2016). Expanding my knowledge base will not only enhance my own practice as a nurse but will also allow me to contribute positively to my hospital, my community, and even larger-scale healthcare initiatives. Knowledge is a powerful tool, and by promoting evidence-based practices, I hope to advance population health initiatives that will benefit patients across the United States.
Walden University: Vision, mission, and goals. (2016). Retrieved February 27, 2017, from
Duffield CM, Roche MA, Blay N, Stasa H. Nursing unit managers, staff retention and the work environment. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2011; 20: 23–33. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2010.03478.x
Stacy London. (n.d.). Retrieved February 27, 2017, from Web site:
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