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Organizational Trends


            A workplace plays a very important role in the success of an organization. The performance of their employees is very much affected by it. The workplace is a combination of the organizational behavior and culture existing there. Different organizations have different types of workplaces. Basically, the workplaces that generate high-performance are quite different from the ones having a typical and traditional atmosphere. There are certain factors like the stress in the workplace, organizational dynamics and operational effectiveness which are different in both traditional and effective, high-performance workplaces. In order to cope up with present economical and global situation the organizations are required to keep up with the upcoming trends. The trends are the new tendencies which if adopted accurately and applied appropriately bring development and improvement. The trends assist the workplaces to enhance their workplaces which increase the productivity, motivate employees and improve overall organizational culture and behavior.

            Both high performance and traditional workplaces have their own characteristics. Below the characteristics of both workplaces are discussed in detail;

Characteristics of High-Performance Workplaces and Organizations

The name indicates that these workplaces generate better and efficient results. They are in accordance with the present requirements and keep on updating themselves. The measures are taken to make the environment of the workplace healthy, friendly, and convenient to work in and fully organized in order to meet the requirements of all the people working here. The focus of such workplaces is on the motivation of their employees and satisfaction of their customers. The workplaces provide ease and comfort for the employees to build new relationships and progress the already existing relationships with their associates. In such places direct and indirect investments are made to plan them in such a way that they flourish the loyalty and result in better performances. The high-performance workplaces are well equipped and well prepared for diversity. It offers everyone an opportunity to adjust themselves and is adaptable towards them. The employees consider themselves as a part of the family and share their knowledge, ideas and experiences. Consequently, the outcome is far better then traditional workplaces. They work in accordance with the updated motivational and conflict management theories. This help in creating a tension and stress-free atmosphere where the employees are able to give superior output. The motivation techniques used by high-performance workplace maybe different from others but they are productive. The concentration here is that which technique to be adopted in a particular condition. Some may look for monetary rewards, some may want promotions, appreciations and few will be happy with a simple pat at the back. The rewards may be formal or informal acknowledgement, assignment of more enjoyable job duties, opportunities for training, and an increased role in decision-making (Ryan, 2007). Tangible rewards other than monetary may be of quite value to different employees thus motivating them for betterment. (Ryan, 2007).  In such workplaces the evaluation is done on a constant basis so that if any improvement or suggestion is required it should be there in time. The key is that their management helps by continually reassessing, updating, and implementing high, but achievable standards.

Characteristics of Traditional Organizations

            These organizations are somewhat in contrast to the high-performance workplaces. As the name indicates these workplaces have the typical environment where everything is done in accordance with the rules and regulations made long time ago. Usually, the hierarchical setup is involved in all the activities and functions. The communication is also not that open and this result in lack of feedback.  It would not be incorrect to say that these organizations or workplaces have a by book system. .  The traditional organization look for economic stability as well as employees with the capability to perform the job the organization possesses the qualities to succeed.  Efficiency is basically dependant on machine bureaucracy that includes many levels of management that has extensive control replete with written procedures (Shermerhorn, 2008).   They duties are routinized. Traditional control-oriented approaches for workforce management represent a strategy of dividing work into small fixed jobs for which individuals can be held accountable (Dammen, 2001). These organizations are not much concerned with employees’ satisfaction rather their focus is in economic stability. It does not mean that they are not fair with their employees but do not strive towards motivating them. They impose procedures and ensure that they are followed appropriately. They pay their employees fair enough but do not appreciate or approve too much non-monetary rewards. They are very different with high-performance workplaces but are no doubt in the business and are productive. This is maintained by adopting various strategies as per the requirements of the conditions and situations.

            The perspectives of both the organizations may differ along with different action plans but both take measures and adopt strategies to compete, survive and expand in today’s global market.

How to Manage Stress

The productivity of almost every individual is affected in one way or the other during the period of tension and stress. These are the undue pressures which may result in destruction of emotional and professional aspects of the individuals. This can be controlled by adopting strategies which provide techniques to manage the stress. Stress of little quantity may improve the productivity but too much stress can lead to a downward efficiency.

  • Avoid criticisms and negative approach
  • Think optimistically and remember ‘every cloud has a silver lining’
  • Identify and clarify your goal.
  • Make sure these goals are attainable and can meet your expectations
  • Be more organized and learn to manage things in order to systemize everything
  • Short breaks may help you
  • Support others and don’t mind asking for cooperation from them

 How to Evaluate Emerging Trends in Organizational Behavior

The stress management techniques supplement the emerging trends. These trends should be based on the social, professional and ethical layouts. Ethics must have the highest priority in theses emerging trends. It should be ensured that everyone is following ethics and are not violating them. Discuss these ethical values or standards on and off and they’ll definitely help in reducing the stress.

When we work in groups or teams are capabilities and skills are multiplied thus also multiplying the efficiency and productivity, therefore teamwork should be a part of these emerging trends. It is also convenient to handle stress in teams as you get support and assistance from others and you don’t feel alone and left out.

Technological advancements and information explosion is massive in the present world. Organizations must be aware and well acquainted with them to act competitively. Therefore, it is one of the other emerging trends which must be a concern for all the organizations. This information should be regarding everything and should be complete and on time then only it will be beneficial. It also reduces stress.


            In order to enhance the productivity, motivate the employees, winning their loyalty and making customers satisfied is only possible if the organizations comprehend the emerging trends and their need in the daily operations. The organization should become adaptable and provide opportunities to others for adaptability so that the diversification can be easily managed and converted into strengths. The knowledge of organizational behavior, management techniques for stress, motivation and conflicts is essential for every organization then only it can move on successfully.


Dammen, K. J. (2001). The Effects of Organizational Structure on Employee Trust and Job Satisfaction. University of Wisconsin-Stout. Retrieved from

Noor, (2008). A Recruiters Blog. Retrieved from

Ryan, S. (2007, May 4). Rewards and Recognition. Retrieved from

Schermerhorn, J. R., Hunt, J. G., & Osborn, R. N. (2008). Organizational Behavior, 10th Ed

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