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Moral values do not always solve problems and in some instances it actually creates problems. Moral rules are based on perception or should I say in the eye of the beholder. Moral rules can actually create a problem in some instances. For instance in the Middle East
it is moral rule to shake a persons hand with the left hand to show appreciation. The reason I stated this is because an American has morals but most would think of shaking with left hands as ridiculous because of their backgrounds. Moral rules can be different not only from country to country but from one city to the next. Moral rules are not the best in most cases because they can be ambiguous or vague, so they require a unique approach and reasoning. Another example is when employees or managers disagree and have the same moral values the problem is usually easier to rectify. However, when employees or managers have different views on an issue and their moral values are different, the problem is usually difficult to resolve so the solution is agreeable to both parties. Managers, employees definitely in some instances view moral rules differently. I will use abortion as an example. We as a society generally view murder as not moral or wrong but in some instances the same individuals consider abortion to be acceptable. An example of this is when a person is raped some say abortion is acceptable but part of the same party would still say abortion is murder no matter what the circumstances.
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