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Misleading Graph Paper


The paper contains information on misleading graphs and contains information on how to correct the graph.

Companies and businesses would use misleading graphs to get their points through that would favor their companies. Misleading graph can have inconsistent units, missing legends, lacking reference, or gaps in data. These misleading can create problems that might affect the users if not look at closely and correctly. The audience expects to find data that is honest and accurate. This is the aim of most authors; some are poorly designed and intentionally misleading. However, if graphs are drawn inappropriately, they can misrepresent the data and lead the reader to draw false conclusions. The graph above is an example of inconsistent units that is misleading if looked at a glance.

Inconsistent Units

Graphs have numbers scale to guide and inform the users of units. In graph number one, five on the vertical axis counts the unit. This shows a big gap and differences in the sale between pizza, hotdogs, and hamburgers. There is almost a double different in length between hotdogs and hamburgers. The hamburgers bar is thirty-three units less then hotdogs. The bar shows hotdogs six times bigger than hamburgers that show a misleading. With the graph, it looks like the favorite food is hamburgers by a major lead, but it is misleading by the number of sale unit.
In the second graph, it shows a more realistic view on sales between the foods. The bars are more even and little different between the heights. It gives the users a more realistic outlook. The units are counted by one hundred instead of by five. The favoritism between the three foods is within thirty-three units which is not a big different if it is in hundreds and thousands.

With all the information mentioned above data problems can lead the audience to misunderstand what the graph is showing. The graph shows misleading sale units. This would cause the audience or the users to mistrust the company that is showing the graphs. The audience or users would also look elsewhere for accurate information in the future.

The second graph shows the data that is clear and realistic. The data was also easier to understand the favoritism between all three foods. However, what this graph is missing is a total of raw data by age group. The graph only shows the total of voters. If the graph shows raw data by age this would show how honest the data is as well as get the point across to the audience. The graph should contain a source for the information that is being presented. The inclusions of a source for the data will enable the reader to check the reliability of the organization presenting the data. I also believe that it’s important to draw attention to the message, and not the source (Bluman¸ 2010, p. 80).

Graphs give a visual representation that enables to analyze and interpret data more easily than they could simple by looking at numbers (Bluman, 2010, p. 76). Misleading graphs can sometimes be done without the presenter knowing or they can be done purposely. The reader or the person is in charge of determining if the information that is being presented is accurate or if the graph is intentionally misleading.


Bluman, A. G. (2009). Elementary statistics: A step by step approach. (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

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