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Read Customer Confidence Issue on p.93 of Managing Business Ethics. How would you resolve this dilemma?

In regards to the contaminated products upon delivery I would explain to the deliverer about the article that I read and ask him or her to only give us products that have been checked because that is all I can from that stand point.  As far as dealing with the manager I would report him to upper level management and explain the situation.  If it so happens, that the manager is the last authority figure in the chain.  I would be forced to report the practices to the food administration because fast food restaurants have inspections they have to past periodically and if the inspector is informed of this, I’m sure they would come and perform a prompt on the spot inspection.  This could result in losing a job if the company is closed but it would save many people from getting sick or possibly worst.  The method I chose is the virtue ethic associated with Aristotle.

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