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Requirements for the Corporate Computing Function

Meeting the Information Requirements of Management

From the Requirements for the Corporate Computing Function, the fifth computing facility fulfillment point reads, “Meet information requirements of management” (Stallings, 2009, p. 58). Stated in a new method, this Chief Information Officer’s (CIO) aim and statement’s factor imply that corporation information may be utilize with organization for a large contract of things. As the safety of every company-owned record is very important to the achievement of the association, several of the information carries major value when use with organization in order to let the business to create improved informed decision to stay the corporation competitive in today’s marketplace and to fulfill through the organization’s legal tasks.

Today’s market is enormously competitive. “To succeed in multi-channel, high-speed environments, organizations need to leverage the data they have at their disposal. Organizations today have access to almost unlimited amounts of data – sales, demographics, economic trends, competitive data, consumer behavior, efficiency measures, financial calculations, etc” (Kennerley, 2008, p. 4). Considerate the company’s records metrics is the work of the organization tier of the society consequently that improved decision may be complete for the way of the corporation as a whole. If organization does not obtain or recognize company-related information, the company is basically set themselves up for breakdown next to their competitor. Protecting data from illegal workers is smart company, except not significant how to employ that information put the corporation at a market drawback. In order for organization to create suitable decision, they need information from which to describe data.

In addition, not just is corporation information a constraint to high-quality management, it is moreover an official obligation. During the latest years a many of Federal mandates have been enact suitable to main misbehavior of great business. A company’s organization can need several information suitable to federal audit to guard beside such misbehavior. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is a ideal illustration of like a law. Sarbanes-Oxley, “created a new auditor watchdog, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). The law strengthened internal controls over companies’ accounts and set stiff criminal penalties for executives who cook the books. One of its toughest provisions required corporate executives to certify the accuracy of financial statements and imposed jail terms of up to 20 years for willful violations” (Drawbaugh, 2012). Consequently, it is smart company for CIO’s to comprise organization information condition devotion on a objective as it guide a company’s aggressive way and comply by rule.

First Phase of Mission Rollout – Top Three

As of the nine distinct point of the CIO’s objective, there are three that stick out because things that the rest may be build winning. In order for the other six points to be the corporation must offer computing ability to every organizational unit that legally need it, give computing services in a consistent, specialized, and strictly capable way, and keep organizational reliability in operation that are needy on compute (Stallings, 2009, p. 58). Investigative everyone will legalize its place with the top three.

The initial, and maybe the mainly significant, point entail maintain executive data reliability – peak number four in the objective. From a computing viewpoint, ensure data reliability in a data-driven organization must be a least constraint. Data reliability deal by the completeness and correctness of save data. Incorrect data may damage corporation databases, demolish saved corporation data, and modify the executive procedure of the complete corporation suitable to wrong data metrics. In addition, a data fraud may reason business downtime, which may be serious to a corporation (Vanderbilt, 2008, p. 22). Consequently, with no data reliability, data-driven business operation may fail. Ensure data and ready integrity is very important to the survival of a business.

Another significant point in the charge statement includes provide data solution and capability to managerial units who essentially need it – the CIO’s first number task point. Apparently, the employ of statistics in business is valuable, mainly in relation to a business’s competitor – correctly exploited data give a corporation various market reward. With no technology and its capability, there would be no method to gather or evaluate a business’s data. Computing ability allows data set, efficient information study, and automatic data metrics that established method of data collection cannot utilize.

The third significant mission condition, number 6 in the CIO’s objective, is maintained consistent, expert, and strictly capable technology services (Stallings, 2009, p. 58). Particularly in every day’s technology-driven business world, a company’s system is only because reliable like the IT employees that maintain it. Safeguards may be in situating to keep data integrity, except a capable IT staff is wanted to be the data flowing during network and system repairs. This mission part is the reply to a business’s “what if” information technology question. What if a server’s hard disk make fail? What if a database crash? Large business knows the cost of hiring and maintains reliable, technically-competent IT employees. Consequently, the three major significant mission statement comprise only if IT services, ensure data from those services is confined (even from itself), and maintenance capable workers to keep up those services. Every three points supply to system accessibility and dependability – and every of the additional points in the CIO’s objective initiate from these three points. Consequently, these three works must be pushed out in the first segment of the mission level.

An Additional Point

From evaluation the nine work requirements from the CIO; there is an apparent exclusion of a very vital topic – security consciousness. A capable IT staff may offer the expertise to stay business moving and preserve that skill for data reliability purpose. However, records cannot be confined from workers who are unaware about its significance. Like, a new necessity report must be added to the list of nine – Make sure corporation assets are confined from every exterior and inside safety threats.


Brodie, Cindy. (2008, June). SANS Institute. The Importance of Security Awareness Training. Retrieved from security-awareness-training_33013

Drawbaugh, Kevin & Aubin, Dena. (2012, July). Reuters. Analysis: A decade on, is Sarbanes-Oxley working? Retrieved from

Kennerley, Mike & Mason, Steve. (2008, February). Cranfield School of Management. The Use of Information in Decision Making. Retrieved from

Stallings, W. (2009). CIS 505: Business Data Communications: Custom edition (6th ed.). UpperSaddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Vanderbilt, Richard. (2008). Storage Networking Industry Association. Why Data Integrity is important to you. Retrieved from

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