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Using SCRUM, DSDM and Lean Software Development


The paper will include the discussion of these three frameworks and the way in which the project manager will run the project using these approaches. First of all, three approaches including SCRUM, DSDM, and Lean Software Development will be analyzed in the project planning and execution phases. Three benefits and trade-offs will be discussed in term of these three approaches. The potential obstacle associated with these three approached will also be determined. In the end, the strategies, mitigation plan, and recommendations will be presented to overcome the obstacles related to these three frameworks. Three real-world examples will be discussed in the context of these frameworks.

Analyze the manner in which projects are planned and executed under the following frameworks and provide one (1) example for each:


SCRUM is an incremental developing method based on the agile and iterative framework. It was first connected by Mike Beedle and Ken Schwaber in the 1990s. The theory about the framework is based on progression expectations throughout the whole life cycle to comprehend the problems related to the project (Awad, 2005).  Scrum is featured by clarity, vitality, straightforwardness and central approach to create and manage the software system and project team. The basic aim of the Scrum is to evolve the system rapidly through ensuring group efforts and collaboration.

The execution phase of the Scrum projects led by the long-term comprehensive organizing an arrangement based on iterative manner. The Scrum execution process is not followed by the spate arrangement. Teamwork and capabilities of the team members are highly required to evaluate and arrange the data sources and execute the work in an extended way. Coordination is a key to work in a group-based environment in order to perform some inventive and imaginative work. The active team members can ensure sharp reaction to change in a successful way which can meet the time and cost constraints of the project and ensure expected Return on investment (ROI). In this way, Scrum ensures the value driven delivery of project goals and ensure efficient business operations on the basis of the prioritized manner. Scrum advancement phase is rarely depending on the accessibility of less than one “Minimum Marketable Features” (MMF) (Highsmith & Cockburn, 2001).


Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) is featured in an organized way by utilizing resources and ensures a rapid business solution. The static spell requirement is one of a practice of the DSDM which differentiate it from XP and SCRUM. Unbiased team actions are preferable to ensure the commercial solution and safeguard the plan of business intelligence in order to ensure the feasibility of the plan. The teamwork and cooperation are required to ensure the heavy practices of character representation of the scheme and mark the value.

DSDM is planned to support the project with agile framework along with the utilization of the method of product innovation. DSDM ensures the encapsulation of the task management related data. The project advancement group led DSDM and merges the efforts for process design and program improvement. DSDM framework is appropriate for both traditional and agile development processes. Timeboxing, prototyping, and Moscow is an effective technique under the DSDM framework. However, DSDM execution is challenging due to its licensing cost, high barriers to entry and organization’s culture shift.

Lean Software Development

The LEAN technique provides effective practice to waste disposal management by organizing the chose and transferring them in little batches. The technique is effective to bring improved processes of work and ensure proficiency. However, the technique is criticized in some perspectives with respect to differences in clients and software engineers’ perspectives. The client request originates the need to develop the work items. The leadership power under Lean is centralized to the groups and people. Lean provides a speedy process to streamline the control at various levels. The group assets are utilized where everybody will be involved in group practices to focus on work. In the Lean technique, when the code is formulated, the process followed on by mechanized the unit tests. Speedy input is performed under decentralized Lean framework without much delay in a plan. In this technique, everybody is clear about the process progress. The detailed arrangements are significantly prescribed with fast criticism.

Benefits and Trade-offs for Each Framework:


Benefits: Scrum possesses many benefits. Scrum ensures the group commitment, honesty, and support. The technique is effective to show association and fulfill the promises under development process. The staff administration is better in Scrum as compared to other frameworks.

Trade-offs: Knowledgeable team members are required for the Scrum management. Trainees are not enough to accomplish the team tasks in a timely manner. Management of superior is a tough process index Scrum because it required assessments and reversion testing after sprints. Undedicated group members can create a dispersion of tasks.


Benefits: iterative environment ensures customers active participation throughout the project. The project deliverables can be produced fast. It reduces extra cost utilization.

Trade-offs: Cooperative and the mutual environment are less significant in the DSDM framework which might be problematic in some aspects. Ethnic shifts in association also create problems in some circumstances. Comparative to other models, DSDM is an innovative model which is complex in nature to some extent (Dybå & Dingsøyr, 2008).

Lean Software Development

Benefits: the framework provides a favorable condition in term of conveying early items and conveys more undertakings in shorter time frames. The basic leadership capacity is improved by strengthening the group work. Waste disposal ensures great productivity and advanced processes with less time and cost requirement for program processing.

Trade-offs: The specialized abilities of the colleagues in a group are a dependent variable for the success of the venture. The achievement of a venture is also depending upon the level of contribution of customers and supporters and settles their choices. The unmatched choices of consumers with a project may create issues. The Lean framework requires product prerequisites particular (SRS) which may be problematic in some cases.

Potential Obstacles and Major Risks associated with Each Framework


One of an obstacle in Scrum is the delay in project process due to a time required to seek out the errors and defects. Once the errors appear in the process, the team will need time to manage the defect which will distract the team from current sprint goals. The complex process work, high dependency on third parties, unauthentic estimations and unavailability of resources may also cause obstacles (Poppendieck & Poppendieck, 2003).  Ineffective expertise and lack of training will also cause a lack of professional work. Over the time of project processes, the team may distract or may no longer maintain improvements.


Possible barriers in DSDM include temporary assets in the squad, ineffective distribution of necessities, unorganized process line, the system progress may face the issue of meeting preset conditions and business representatives may not get adopted to system requirements.

LEAN Software Development

The possible barriers to Lean include diminish the interest of generation to support crises, unmet requirements of JIT may cause danger for the whole framework and high influence of private ventures make it difficult to compel staff for changes.

Key Strategies from the Perspective of a Project Manager to Avoid the Obstacles

Key strategies and actions to mitigate the risk in each framework are as followed:


Firstly, it is required to implement Sprint Zero during plan and execution from a single area. Secondly, there should be legally bound conditions to adjust the unusual circumstances. Thirdly, the daily Scrum can retain fresh and short by maintaining Scrum functions productive and intelligent sprint after sprint, followed on by tests and agile diversions. For example, zero sprints can be ensured when the client goes to the area toward the sea or individual from sea word will move to the area of the client.


The mitigation strategies and recommendations to overcome DSDM risks and obstacles are as followed:

Firstly, a more formal and comprehensive process is required in DSDM through effective business associations and customary techniques. Secondly, advance DSDM cannot be expected but it required a decent arrangement to advance the project quickly and get affirmed with the changed specs. Thirdly, the cost will alter with time so the elements of DSDM should be variables. For example, DSDM should convey the point of stating abnormal necessities. For example, a new venture in the organization will require, the timetable will be first set in DSDM (Highsmith & Highsmith, 2002). The necessities may not be met first but with time, the incredible correspondent will be made through organized efforts under DSDM with a great Moscow system.

LEAN Software Development

Under Lean framework the strategies and action planning are effective. First of all, the framework is effective to manage the partners of the administration who were not prior able to deal in a venture group with a number of choices and could not stick to them. For these kinds of personnel, the inclined system should not be utilized. Secondly, Lean can be implied in the case where the conditions are functionally admirably and where more prominent activities of the project can be aligned with the improved life cycle of the project (Beck et al., 2001).  Thirdly, planned activities are recommended in order to avoid critical results. For example, the Toyota production system adopted a Lean approach to eliminate waste and created a pro lean culture.


Project management and agile development are two approaches which can be supported by the number of frameworks. Dynamic Systems Development Model (DSDM), SCRUM and Lean Software Development are three examples of frameworks which are highly desired for the management of the project and agile development. The approaches have substantial benefits and obstacles. The action plans are required to overcome the prospective risks.


Awad, M. A. (2005). A comparison between agile and traditional software development methodologies.University of Western Australia.

Beck, K., Beedle, M., Van Bennekum, A., Cockburn, A., Cunningham, W., Fowler, M., …& Kern, J. (2001). Manifesto for agile software development.

Dybå, T., & Dingsøyr, T. (2008). Empirical studies of agile software development: A systematic review. Information and software technology50(9-10), 833-859.

Highsmith, J., & Cockburn, A. (2001). Agile software development: The business of innovation. Computer34(9), 120-127.

Highsmith, J. A., & Highsmith, J. (2002).Agile software development ecosystems (Vol. 13). Addison-Wesley Professional.

Poppendieck, M., & Poppendieck, T. (2003).Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit: An Agile Toolkit. Addison-Wesley.

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