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What are the benefits of critical thinking in personal life and work environment?

One benefit of acquiring critical thinking skills in people’s personal lives and work environments is that they can determine the credibility of sources, especially if they plan to use them as the basis for research or use the sources to support their positions on particular issues. Another benefit of acquiring critical thinking skills in people’s personal lives and work environments is that they will be able to better understand an argument, its analysis from different perspectives, and the ability to take a stand on that particular issue. Particularly, with those difficult issues where the right thing to do is not just black or white. Indeed, people’s personal lives and work environments are full of arguments that offer grey solutions and they all seem good at that time. Critical thinking should make people more decided, secure, and capable to come to a conclusion even though they are missing a piece of a puzzle.  Just by looking at the rest of the puzzle they should be able to understand. 

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