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What are the steps in the planning process? Which step is the most crucial? Why? Can organizations over-plan? Why or why not?

The planning process can be explained in three different steps. Given below is a description of those steps along with their significance:

  • Analyzing environment. At the outset the internal and external environment is analyzed in order to identify company’ s strengths and weaknesses (in internal environment) and opportunities and threats (existing in the external environment) this is also known as SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats) analysis.
  • Establishing objectives or goals in the light of the environmental scanning (study)clear or probable opportunities that can be availed are identified in order to avail them objectives or goals are clearly defined in specific terms along with priorities in all the key areas of operations major problems associated with such objectives are also identified and defined, so that there may be special emphasis on their planned solutions.
  • Seeking necessary Information: All relevant data and facts are collected from internal and external sources such as Availability of supplies, physical and human recourses of the company, finance of disposal, relevant government policy etc then such collected information and factors are analyzed. This information can be used in two ways

These factors are further divided into six sub-factors, which are: situational analysis, alternative goals and plans, goal and plan evaluation, goal and plan selection, implementation, and monitor and control.

I believe the first step of analyzing the environment is the most crucial one. In order to develop consistent and coordinate plans, it is necessary that planning is based upon carefully considered assumption and predictions. After established the goals or objective and taking other related steps, feasible alternative programs or course of action are searched out. Impossible or highly difficult propositions are left out.

Yes! It depends on the type of business and the scope of the business. In large corporations there are teams of people who work all year in planning. They move from one project to another. In a small business a start up plan is best so that you have a guideline for the business to follow. At once-a-month intervals you review your progress. If there is a big difference or a lack of success then you reassess and change that part of the plan. Usually once a year is a minimum suggestion.

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