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What is the difference between jurisdiction and venue?

Jurisdiction determines whether a court has authority to hear and determine a case. Prior to hearing a case, the court must have jurisdiction over the persons or property involved in the case.

“The courts of one jurisdiction are not bound by the precedent established by the courts of another jurisdiction, although they may look to each other for guidance” (Cheeseman, 2007, p. 11). For example, a court in California cannot hear a case where the matter occurred in New York because the California court does not have jurisdiction in the state of New York.

Venuerequires lawsuits to be heard by the court with jurisdiction nearest the location in which the incident occurred or where the parties reside” (Cheeseman, 2007, p. 27).

A venue is merely the place or location of trial. Within a jurisdiction, there may be more than one courthouse or location. For example, within the jurisdiction of Los Angeles County, there are more than twenty different locations. The case must be heard in the court location where the parties live or nearest the location in which the matter occurred.


Cheeseman., H. R. (2007). The Legal Environment of Business and Online Commerce: Business Ethics, E-Commerce, Regulatory, and International Issues (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

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